Our Vision and Mission


Climate Change

The objective of the Stichting Climate Impact (the “Foundation”) is to promote the awareness, the implementation and the realization of the benefits of climate centered activities. These activities will span the areas of science, health, education, data, policy, technology and innovation to solve global climate related challenges. 


Building Resilience

The Foundation will seek possibilities to enable and equip humans, other species and ecosystems to mitigate and deal with the effects of climate change and to bolster their resilience to the changes ahead.

The Foundation strives to achieve its objective by identifying programs and activities it can initiate or support with funding, intellectual property or resources.


Financial Support Required 

To allow the Foundation to deliver in its objective, the Foundation seeks financial support from donors who are requested to make a donation to the foundation.

The Foundation will initially seek financial support from investors in the funds managed by Climate Fund Managers B.V.. All funds donated will be used to run the Foundation and to enable the Foundation to achieve its object. Upon liquidation of the Climate Impact Foundation, the liquidation proceeds will be applied for a similar general purpose carried out by a qualifying ANBI.